Benefits of learning C after Java

A new look on programming

Posted by Philippe Laferriere on January 25, 2016

As an undergraduate in a computer science program, I was taught Java as a first programming language. There’s been some discussion as to if this is a good or bad thing. However, whether Java should or shouldn’t be taught as a first programming language, or whether universities should or shouldn’t include C in their curriculum is not the purpose of this article. Instead, it will focus on the benefits of learning C complementary to the concepts acquired from learning Java.

Before we get there, I’ll introduce some related discussion that is taking place here and there on the internet.


Dr. Robert B.K. Dewar and Dr. Edmond Schonberg published an article criticizing the use of Java as a first programming language. “Students found it hard to write programs that did not have a graphic interface, had no feeling for the relationship between the source program and what the hardware would actually do, and (most damaging) did not understand the semantics of pointers at all, which made the use of C in systems programming very challenging”. However, this was criticized heavily by writer mik on University of Kent’s blog. Although he agrees that Java indeed doesn’t teach this material, he states that in many good institutions, it has been moved to other, more advanced courses: “blaming the programming language on bad curriculum design is a simplistic and misleading argument that lacks real insight”. Even though they disagree on the fact that Java should be the language of choice for introductory courses in programming, they both agree that concepts inherent in C are essential and should be taught to students.

Dewar and Schonberg also made interesting points about what different languages teach. More specifically, they claim that it’s important to learn C notably because “performance analysis is more straightforward, because the cost of every software statement is clear”. I vouch for that. But don’t listen to me; listen to Joel Spolsky, cofounder of Trello, Fog Creek Software, and CEO of Stack Exchange. In his article about the importance of going back to basics, he analyses the performance of string concatenation in C. Without going too much into detail, he explains why using the standard strcat to concatenate n strings has n-squared performance and how this can be easily brought down to linear performance. He uses this example to stress the importance of knowing how things work at the byte level in order to make good top-level decisions. He ends the article with a rather colorful criticism of why teaching Java as a first programming language is a bad idea.

I am actually physically disgusted that so many computer science programs think that Java is a good introductory language, because it’s “easy” and you don’t get confused with all that boring string/malloc stuff but you can learn cool OOP stuff which will make your big programs ever so modular. This is a pedagogical disaster waiting to happen. Generations of graduates are descending on us and creating Shlemiel The Painter algorithms right and left and they don’t even realize it, since they fundamentally have no idea that strings are, at a very deep level, difficult, even if you can’t quite see that in your perl script. If you want to teach somebody something well, you have to start at the very lowest level. It’s like Karate Kid. Wax On, Wax Off. Wax On, Wax Off. Do that for three weeks. Then Knocking The Other Kid’s Head off is easy.

I promised I wouldn’t get in the middle of this debate, so I’ll stop there.

What C taught me that Java didn’t

Before starting university, I knew absolutely nothing about programming. Zip. In fact, I had preconceived notions about programming that limited my ability to grasp computer science at a low-level. Java did not help me deepen my understanding, but C did.

What are strings, really?

An array of bytes terminated by a '\0'. That’s it. When interpreted as char, these bytes are really just indices into the ASCII table, from where we get the visual representation (i.e. letters) we’re used to. C makes it easy to understand that because you have to manually null-terminate your array of bytes, even when using standard functions like strcpy. As discussed in Joel Spolsky’s aforementioned article, knowing how strings are implemented makes it painfully easy to see that most string operations in C have linear complexity.

The cool part is: you can apply this knowledge to higher level languages like Java! You are now confident as to why the following Java code, which would look perfectly fine to an unexperienced programmer, is plainly awful.

public String makeSentence(String[] words)
    if (words == null) return null;
    String sentence = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++)
        sentence += words[i] + " ";
    return sentence;

No, this is not horrendous code because the resulting sentence ends with a space rather than a dot. Think of what’s really happening at every iteration of the for loop, translated into C:

  1. Calculate the size of sentence, words[i] and the extra space character - O(n)
  2. Allocate memory for the new string - undetermined
  3. Use strcpy to copy sentence to the new buffer - O(n)
  4. Use strcat to concatenate words[i] to sentence - O(n)
  5. Use strcat to concatenate the space character to the new buffer - O(n)
  6. null-terminate the string - O(1)

Pretty awful, right? Next time, consider using StringBuilder.


Oh pointers… You probably saw that one coming. Well, here’s my claim: being comfortable with pointers in C makes me a better programmer in any language. Why? Because pointers are everywhere, even if you hide them like all high level languages do.

As a novice Java programmer, I once wrote a method that looked like this:

public void getNode(TreeNode root, TreeNode outNode)
    if (root == someNodeThatIWant)
        outNode = root; // ouch
    getNode(root.left, outNode);
    getNode(root.right, outNode);

// somewhere else in the code...
public void doSomethingWithTreeNodes()
    // ...
    TreeNode someNodeIWant = null;
    getNode(root, someNodeIWant);
    // use someNodeIWant

The idea was to pass in someNodeIWant in getNode(2), cross my fingers, and hope that someNodeIWant points to a specific node. Ouch. This is a direct consequence of having no fundamental understanding of what pointers are. Granted, you could have never written a single line of C and still be able to understand why this code snippet is a big no-no. My point is: if you really understand how pointers work, you will never ever write anything like this, no matter the language you are writing it in (given that parameters are passed by value like in C, obviously).

Let’s revisit the code snippet. Actually, before we get to that, let’s get something out of the way: no matter how bad introductory Java textbooks want you to think that primitive types are passed by value and objects are passed by reference, the fact remains: everything is passed by value! The only difference is that variables that hold an object hold a pointer (an address) to that object. On the other hand, variables that hold a primitive type hold the actual value. When you call a method and pass a variable that holds an object, you really are passing by value the address of that object.

Back to the snippet. Since someNodeIWant is an object, we know that the variable holding it is a pointer to the actual TreeNode object. We also know that passing this variable in getNode(2) will copy the address held in someNodeIWant to the outNode variable in getNode(2). My erroneous assumption was that if I assigned the pointer held by root to outNode, then the change would also be reflected in someNodeIWant. But obviously that’s not what’s really happening; outNode now points to an object, and someNodeIWant still points to where it was originally pointing to; null in this case.


When I was originally introduced to casting in Java, I carefully learned the dos and don’ts. Do cast from a subclass to a superclass. Don’t cast a Car to a Plant or you’ll have the JVM scream at you. But hey, don’t get me wrong, I did understand the logic behind those rules. It wouldn’t make sense to cast from a Car to a Plant because then how would you access the car’s drive() method? Plants don’t drive, and that’s a good thing. However, my understanding was limited to classes and methods. I didn’t appreciate what was going on down there at the byte level. C on the other hand doesn’t care about the underlying data at an address; it only cares what you decide to represent it as. You want to cast a pointer to struct potato to a pointer to struct banana? Sure, go for it! Also, if you do it carefully, you can actually do pretty cool stuff (see type punning)! Will all this help me be a better programmer in high level languages? Probably not. I just find it cool to understand why Java simply won’t allow casting between objects that don’t share a common interface.

The role of the operating system

As soon as you write your first C program that does more than crunching numbers and playing with pointers, you’ll find yourself having to talk directly to the operating system. This was the source of a healthy dose of aha moments to me. Not only did I see many operating system concepts in action, I learned about how the OS manages resources such as file descriptors. Linux’s famous everything is a file finally got crystal clear to me. I got an in-depth understanding of IPC with stdin, stdout and stderr, and how central they are to Linux (e.g. piping tons of programs together to get a desired output). I discoved how the file system manages files i.e. what inodes are. The point that I’m trying to get across here is that what you will learn from interfacing with the OS goes beyond the lines of code you write.